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restaurant foodie food news recipe cooking articleSheKnows Kicks Off Summer with Its Ever Popular Cinco de Mayo Piņata Cookies: Going Viral Never Tasted So Good

In honor of Cinco de Mayo, recently published a colorful and festive piñata cookie recipe that quickly went viral.

(PRWeb May 03, 2012)

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BRANDS and BLOGGERS ? Foodies on the front line!

Both sides find ?common ground? in Canada?s new food-focused digital magazine - Eat In Eat Out (

(PRWeb March 20, 2012)

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Chef2video Identifies The Top 10 "Thoughtful Food Blogs" For 2009

User-generated content site reviews thought leaders in sustainable food, healthy eating and food business innovation.

(PRWeb July 20, 2009)

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Online Dating Site for Cooking Enthusiasts and Food Lovers Rated 28 out of 50 in Restaurant Business Magazine - January 2007

Food lovers' companion "SW tall blonde chardonnay lover seeks strong silent port sipper for gourmet dining and maybe more." Foodies can now meet their match at -- a new Web dating service that focuses on food. If all else fails, they'll at least come away with a few good recipes for the $29.95 fee. "It's as much about an enthusiasm for cooking as it is about online dating," says creator Fran Gorski. Pairings' concept is that a shared passion for cooking may engender something more, well, passionate. Members fill out profiles that detail how they became interested in food and what their ideal meal would be, and check out others' profiles to see how well they match.

(PRWeb January 26, 2007)

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restaurant foodie food news recipe cooking article